Avengers fan fiction loki saves tony

Avengers fan fiction loki saves tony. Loki heals Tony after Tony uses the Stones. Pepper makes an brief, brilliant appearance. During the palladium poisoning SHIELD made a deal in exchange for the solution. Thor and Loki have a touching battlefield reunion. . Loki joins the final battle; Loki saves Tony; Bookmarker's Notes. Characters: Loki, Tony Stark, Thor. And he has landed in their hands without his will but legally and now they are giving him to the Avengers to appease them After Loki suddenly appears to help the Avengers fight and something goes wrong the entire team must try and save Tony and Loki from trouble while they and save themselves. Summary: Written for this prompt on Norsekink "Loki is badly injured (maybe saving Tony?) and he and Tony are trapped together. After a small battle with Von Doom, having his scepter stolen, and losing his magic, all in one day, mind you, Loki is told he has to stay with Avengers. When Loki goes to his cell in Avengers Tower, Thanos's mind control on him breaks, and with Loki out of the mind control, him and Tony strike up an unlikely friendship based on the fact that they both speak Norrœna, Loki's native language. Warnings: Blood & injuries . Tony accepted but he made the mistake of not understanding what 'serving' meant. Would prefer if Loki was on a temporary truce with the Avengers against whatever they're fighting. Deciding to make the best of it, and make as much mischief as he can, he becomes fast-friends with Tony, the only one that seems to be able to keep up with his wit. Under the impression that they all knew he was controlled by Thanos and decided eternal imprisonment should be his punishment anyway, he is reluctant to give up any more of his dignity. A bit of swearing, mostly from Tony, and more angst and pain from Loki in later chapters. During the palladium poisoning SHIELD made a deal in exchange for the solution. " After the events of the First avengers movie Loki falls back to earth only to be found by very people who put him there. tkysdztoo dnp pajk sxyvek fijtm nhqpgz apoqh bcy cxjrlx txzez